Get in touch with KURZZEiTmiete
You would like to know more about one of our service packages for renting out flats? You are interested in more detailed information on a certain flat? Or you would like to rent several flats at the same time? Whether you’re a lessor or a tenant, a company or a private customer: Our experts are always there for you – quick, personal and competent. Let us know what we can do for you!
Our tip: Our FAQs cover a wide selection of topics relevant for lessors and tenants. What’s more, you also have the opportunity to get in touch with the lessors of the individual flats. GmbH
Sonnenweg 4
5204 Straßwalchen, Österreich
T: +43 662 23 10 55
VAT-ID No: ATU66835311
Company-ID No: 370213 g
Name of the bank: HYPO Salzburg eine Marke der RLBÖ
Account Number: 0932 0444 3545
IBAN Number: AT31 3400 0932 0444 3545